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Artist Member seit 2007
18 Werke


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Kunst von Edward Tabachnik
Kunst von Edward Tabachnik
Edward Tabachnik was born in Russia.
Educated from the St. Petersburg (Leningrad) Academy of Arts and Architecture,
One of most famous European School of Arts. His schooling is both - in architecture and painting, which was the alma mater of many famous Russian artists, including Mark Chagall’s teacher.
Artist participated in many unofficial exhibitions in Moscow.
Departure from the Soviet Union in 1972 has given him the freedom to paint not in obligatory style of so called “Social Realism”, but in any style he choose to. It has been powerful “push” for search and creativity.
He has developed a new style, which he calls “Romantic Expressionism”.
Artist has had exhibitions in art galleries and museums in Russia, Israel, Canada and USA.
His works are in private collections and museum.
Fascinating with The Black Hole Theory of The Origin of The World is also reflected in many of his paintings in the form of “Singularity”, through which Time passes, connecting The Past with The Future.
Honorary Member of The Order of Alexander The Great-is an international organization which honours life-long cultural accomplishments. Among its Honorary Members were Salvador Dali, Henry Moore, Jean Cocteau, Hebert von Karajan, Leonard Bernstein and others.
Romantic Expressionism (RE).
Romantic Expressionism is a complex way of combining some characteristics of impressionism, surrealism and traditions of the "Old Masters".
There is a desire to penetrate into the mysteries of the Universe, and attempt to depict such abstract notions as multidimensional space, to reflect on the idea of time - from The Past, through The Present, to The Future; to show existing and non-existing; to connect to the Art Energy of the Universe; to Exist in many Parallel Worlds at the same time.

Edward Tabachnik

Departure from Soviet Union in 1972 has given me the freedom to paint not in obligatory style of so called "Social Realism", but in any style I chose to. It has been a powerful "push" for search and creativity.
Through all my works you will find that my attitude toward color and light combines tradition of impressionism with various surrealistic situations.
Working on illustrations for Kafka's novels, I was looking for a symbolic image of a mystical town. I found it in Gaudi's "Sagrada Familia".
Almost on each of my paintings you can see my "signature"- flying phantasmagoria tower, which has become for me a living entity, procreating itself, connecting The Past with The Future.
Fascinated with the theory of Black Holes and the origin of The World is also reflected in many paintings in the form of “Singularity“, through which Time passes, connecting The Past with The Future.
In my works I try to blend my fantasy with sometimes well known, sometimes created architectural details.
My schooling was both - in architecture and painting. My love for architecture can be seen through many of my works.
There is peace and serenity in my later works, it is a kind of self protection against the cruelty, violence and the disturbance of today's life.
In some of my works I am looking with a "modern eye" at the earlier times, interpreting the vision of the artists who lived centuries ago.

New Style: “Romantic Expressionism.”