Artist Member seit 2011
164 Werke
· 25 Kommentare
Kestutis Jauniskis wurde 1961 in Vilnius, der Hauptstadt der Republik Litauen geboren. Abschluss Vilnius School of Fine Arts im Jahr 1985, wurde Jauniskis Interesse an dem Konzept der Skala, Abstraktion und abstrakte Malerei. Die Fragmente seiner Heimat Altstadt waren tief in seinem Gedächtnis eingebettet und so begann zutiefst inspiriert seine Arbeit. Vermischen der beiden abstrahiert Elemente mit denen aus seiner Phantasie er hofft, ein Gefühl von Optimismus und Licht, das von grundlegender Bedeutung für all seine Arbeit zu schaffen. Als ein internationaler Künstler Kestutis halten Ausstellungen in vielen Ländern. Er hat in einer Gruppenausstellung mit dem Titel "The Modern litauischen Kunst" im Museum of Modern Art in Valencia, Spanien teilgenommen. Seine Werke sind in zahlreichen privaten Sammlungen.
Kestutis Jauniskis was born in 1961 in Vilnius, the capital of the Republic of Lithuania. Graduating from Vilnius school of Fine Arts in 1985, Jauniskis became interested in the concept of scale, abstraction and abstract painting. The fragments of his native old town were deeply embedded in his memory and so began to profoundly inspire his work. Mixing both abstracted elements with those from his imagination he hopes to create a sense of optimism and light which is fundamental to all his work. As a international artist Kestutis hold exhibitions in many countries. He has participated in a group exhibition titled 'The Modern Lithuanian Art' at the Museum of Modern Art in Valencia, Spain. His works is held in numerous private collections.
1995 Gallery "ARKA", Vilnius, Lithuania
1996 Gallery "ARKA", Vilnius, Lithuania
1997 Annual Miniatures Exhibition Gallery "Vartai", Vilnius, Lithuania
1998 Gallery "MAZOJI GALERIJA", Vilnius, Lithuania
1998 Gallery "XX", Panevezys, Lithuania
2000 Annual Miniatures Exhibition Gallery "Vartai", Vilnius, Lithuania
2001 Gallery "JUSTUS", Finland
2001 Annual Miniatures Exhibition Gallery "Vartai", Vilnius, Lithuania
2002 Burnie Regional Art Gallery National Miniature Art Exhibition, Tasmania, Australia
2002 Annual Miniatures Exhibition Gallery "Vartai", Vilnius, Lithuania
2003 Saddler's Court Gallery Miniatures Art, Tasmania, Australia
2003 Gallery "MAZOJI GALERIJA", Vilnius, Lithuania
2003 Burnie Regional Art Gallery National Miniature Art Exhibition, Tasmania, Australia
2003 Annual Miniatures Exhibition Gallery "Vartai", Vilnius, Lithuania
2004 "Jeruzales Gallery", Vilnius, Lithuania
2006 Gallery "MAZOJI GALERIJA", Vilnius, Lithuania
2006 Museo de la Ilustracion y de la Modernidad (MuVIM), Valencia, Spain
2008 Gallery "XX2" , Vilnius, Lithuania
2010 Red Bluff Art Gallery, Red Bluff, USA
2010 Painting exhibition at Jewish Culture and Information Center, Vilnius, Lithuania
2011 Painting exhibition at "Darijaus Gallery", Vilnius, Lithuania