Artist Member seit 2011
14 Werke
· 6 Kommentare
André was born on january 31 - 1967 he received a b.f.a. in the 90's- from hdk - zurich and lucerne university of applied sciences and arts. He came to preeminence in the 1990’s during a time when many artists - critics and collectors were quietly championing a return to the art of painting. Upon first glance andré’s work seems to mirror the surrealists fascination with the subconscious and collective memories. However andré's transcends the initial surrealists strategies by consciously choosing subject matter loaded with cultural connotation.
1993 Gallerino Luzern
1993 Galerie Kant-Luzern
1994 Schenkung Dapples Zürich
1994 Galerie Peer - Luzern
1995 Kornschütte Luzern (Gruppenausstellung)
1996 Galerie Erfrischungsraum-Luzern
1997 Jahresausstellung Innerschweizer Künstler Kunstmuseum Luzern 96-99
1999 Werkbeitrag Stadt Luzern Kunstmuseum Luzern (Zwischenraum) 96-99
2002 GalerieArtform Luzern
2005 Kunstraum Wirthuos Luzern
2006 Artexpo 06 New York - USA
2007 Galerie Locoart - Wien
2007 Fumetto Comixausstellung - Luzern
2008 International Contemporary Art Fair - Kunst 08 Zürich
2009 Art International Zürich 2009